System Features

Company Configuration

  • · Brand Management
  • · Branch Management
  • · Role Management
  • · Schedule Definition
  • · Tag Management
  • Initial System Setup

    Brand Management, Branch Management, Role Setup, Schedule Management, etc. It is the essential first step for opening a store.

    Human Resource Management

  • · Employee Management
  • · Employee Information
  • · Add Employee
  • Comprehensive Personnel Data Management

    Comprehensive recording of basic employee information, clear at a glance, no more worries about data omission.

    Customer Management

  • · Customer Data
  • · Schedule Management
  • · Store Messages
  • · Message Logging
  • Extremely Convenient Customer Management

    Record customer data easily and quickly, no more worries about omissions. Schedule arrangements, message logging, all-in-one management, making the process smoother.


  • · Calendar
  • · Calendar Categorization
  • · Calendar Inquiry
  • Powerful Calendar Features

    Easy management of categorized schedules, convenient and quick inquiries. Stay on top of your schedule, never miss important events.

    Order Management

  • · Order Management
  • · Order Attachments
  • · Payment Records
  • Comprehensive Order Management

    Easily track order status, attachment uploads for quick reference. Clear visibility of payment records, providing you with complete order control.

    Product Management

  • · Product Listing
  • · Product Inquiry
  • · Product Categories
  • · Product Inventory
  • · Product Attributes
  • · Product Specifications
  • · Service Processes
  • Easy product listing, quick inquiries

    Subdivide product categories for clear inventory management. Perfectly grasp attributes and specifications, making product management easy.

    Callout System

  • · Invitation Records
  • · Invitation Input
  • · Appointment List
  • · Customer Source
  • · Inquiry Items
  • · Form Creation
  • Invitations with a clear and detailed appointment list

    Record of customer sources, fully customizable inquiry items. Easy and fast form creation for a smoother invitation process.

    App System

  • · APP Customer Inquiry
  • · Customer Data Creation
  • · APP Online Messaging
  • · Backend APP Configuration
  • Full control of the APP system

    Convenient inquiry, creation, and management of customer data. Real-time interaction with online messages, easy configuration in the backend APP.

    Technical Staff

  • · Technical Staff Information
  • · Technical Staff Details
  • · Schedule Sheet
  • · Work Schedule Details
  • Detailed Technical Staff Management

    Clear technical staff information, details at a glance. Easy scheduling of schedules, perfect tracking of work schedule details.

    Accounting System

  • · Performance Inquiry
  • · Income Inquiry
  • · Accounting Expenditure
  • · Accounting Categories
  • · Transaction Methods
  • · Purpose of Receipt
  • · Individual Performance
  • · Personal Income
  • Manage about income and accounting expenditures

    Clearly defined accounting categories and transaction methods. Detailed purpose of receipts, ensuring a clear overview of financial conditions.

    Inventory Management

  • · Inbound Operations
  • · Outbound Operations
  • · Inventory Inquiry
  • · Storage Location
  • · Warehouse Management
  • · Inventory Checklist
  • · Inventory Records
  • · Inventory Transfer
  • Handling of inbound and outbound operations

    Quick and convenient inventory inquiry, well-organized storage location management. Smooth and simple inventory transfers for more effective inventory control.

    E-commerce Operations

  • · Product Listing
  • · Order Center
  • · Logistics Management
  • · Returns Management
  • · Bonus Points
  • · Store Configuration
  • · Payment Gateway Setup
  • · Member Management
  • E-commerce, streamlined product listing

    Smooth and orderly logistics and returns management. Comprehensive store and payment setup, perfect mastery of member management, creating a top-notch e-commerce experience.

    Marketing System

  • · Customer Segmentation
  • · LINE@ Broadcasts
  • · LINE Product Showcase
  • · Customer Favorites
  • · Broadcast Statistics
  • · Marketing Draw
  • Eye-catching product showcases

    Easy collection of customer favorites, fine classification management of customer segments. Marketing draws to engage fan interaction, creating effective marketing results.

    Online Messaging

  • · Online Messaging
  • · Message Transfer
  • · Message Configuration
  • · Canned Message
  • · Permission Setup
  • Master the integration of information from various social platforms

    Easily manage online messages and facilitate communication. Easily set canned messages to save time and improve efficiency.

    Statistical Reports

  • · Statistical Reports
  • · Message Analytics
  • · Product Sales Statistics
  • · Performance Report
  • · Invitation Log
  • Statistical reports make it easy to formulate strategies

    Real-time monitoring of online messages and product sales statistics. Clearly present performance and invitation logs to help gain in-depth understanding of business status

    scrm,social crm,CRM,ERP,Line@,系統推薦

    Considering expanding or establishing your brand?

    Let us guide you for limitless business opportunities!

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